Saturday, January 15, 2005

T minus 2 days.

Steph leaves in two days and her fabulously generous and handsome brother has set up this blog for her.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow that brother of yours sounds like a great guy!

2:30 PM

Blogger Kristelle said...

hey stephy
hope ur flight was good and that they played good movies in the love actually!
love you and already miss you!:)

8:03 PM

Blogger Kristelle said...

p.s....somehow to be able to write this comment i had to create my own here you can write me here

8:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know Jean-Luc was so talented!

7:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Steph, It's Chris. I hope that your flight went smoothly and didn't feel like 12432134 years. I hope you enjoy the nice australian mates and kangaroos. Do keep in mind that it was formed by a bunch of convicts. When are you getting back?

talk soon, have to awaits
take care and have some fun

7:18 AM

Blogger Kristelle said...

hey cutie!!!
i'm happy ur safe...well hum check ur email...i got some interesting news that u might like:)

11:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allo Steph,
C'est GabO. Ouais comme tu peux voir je me suis pas creer un blog, je comprends rien, alors je post des messages anonymes non-anonymes pour maintenant.

Alors je suis contente qu'il fasse chaud chez toi, pis si tu te demande encore qu'est ce que tu fais la un jour, t'auras juste a penser a notre climat d'inuit et tu vas aller mieux. Serieusement, il fait TROP froid ici.

Bon pour passer aux choses plus sérieuses Steph, j'ai appris par ta maman que tu avais vu DANNY. Alors inutile de te dire que je suis extremement jalouse!! En tout cas CA ca commence bien un voyage! Il est tu toujours aussi hot??

Steph la je dois aller travailler, mais je veux juste te dire qu'on pense beaucoup a toi ici.



PS: Est ce que le Mc Extra c'est le mercredi en australie aussi?

5:15 AM


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