Thursday, January 20, 2005

Flip Flops

Hi Everyone!

Ok, so I'm not so unhappy anymore... yesterday really sucked. I spent a good part of the day crying cuz i thought i was a complete idiot for coming here alone.

Anyways, I'm going to the aquarium today and back down to Darling Harbour later on with a Canadian girl i met this morning named Lenya. It's kinda strange down here cuz everything is very slow. At home, everyone's always in a hurry for everything... but it's not like that here. No one really walks fast, people aren't rude in stores... it's weird. I've decided, though, that flip flops are to blame. It's completely impossible to do anything quickly in those things, and sice that's all anybody here ever wears on their feet, it's only normal that things are slown down.

Ok, so that's my two cents for today, that and I love FREE internet cuz I can talk to you all whenever I want (which is ALWAYS!)

Talk to you soon, and keep the messages coming!

Steph :)

P.S. Mummy, I bought a battery charger today and I fought the guy down from 89$ to 49$... aren't you proud of me? I thought so....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Baby,

Excellent news!!

As for your mama being proud of you, I have one thing to say:
"You would think so!"
ok, make that two:
"Damn straight!"


5:10 PM

Blogger Kristelle said...

Hey cutie!!!
i'm happy that you're happy!!!!I'm so excited for you...and that Lenya girl...i want to know about her...maybe even a
you bargained...huh woah this so new stuff...i didn't know you had that in you!!! Hey it's Nick's bday on saturday, he's turning 18 so when you come back you can legally sleep with him:P!!! Anyways have fun and take care!!! Nice free internet!!!!
p.s. pat called on his own will today...ssssssssooooooo weird...he says hi!

7:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your grandfather would have been proud of you.... he was always bargaining the price down.... it was second nature to him. I suspect you may have inherited this in your genes...

Miss you,

Uncle Pierre

8:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Steph
J'ai décidé de t'écrire en francais pour te rappeler du QC!!! i miss uuuuu !!! En tout cas j'espere juste que tout va etre correct pis que tu vas trouver un bon partner pour jouer au beach, mais c'est impossible de toute facon de remplacer Gab, right ??
Bisous Bisous,
Ur little sister,
PS t'es même pas venue me dire adieu...jtm pareil

12:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Stephanie,

I sincerely hope that these words find you in better spirits than you were when we spoke. I miss you. I don't know if you will see this, I'm guessing you have more to do than check your correspondances on a regular basis, but I want to tell you or more precisely to ask you to please, please, please forget about the money involved. It took a lot of courage for a young lady to do what you did by just boarding the plane in Montreal. If you have bitten of more than you can ENJOYABLY chew, so be it. I have no doubt you could survive for the full five months, but merely surviving was not the point of this exersize.

Love you lots, miss you, think of you almost constantly, will support you 100% whatever decision you finally make,
The old man.

7:13 AM

Blogger Kristelle said...

it's -33 in montreal...:)....miss you a lot...a lot!

9:18 AM

Blogger PrincessChristy said...

Hi Dear,
Ok, first of all, I'm glad to hear that everything is going well. How am I not surpirsed that you've already made friends...I'd probably be on a plane home if I was in your shoes (of course, i mean that figuratively since you & I both know we have very different shoes)I'm very proud of you!!! Now, let me say this - anyone who knows me knows that I am quite technologically challenged and therefore I had a lot of difficulty figuring out how to create an account but it's been done and I just want to point out that I would never have goine thru this much trouble to speak to anyone but you. I hope to hear from you very soon - it's already been too long.
And, by the way, why don't I know what's going on with Kristelle??? Can someone please fill me in....

11:07 AM

Blogger PrincessChristy said...

Oh, and one more thing, Julie & Steph say Hi Hi Hi.

11:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Steph,

Don't forget you are looking at everything for two. You are doing the trip of my dreams, I am so happy for you. You can expect a lot of questions from me in five months. I feel warm just thinking about you, even if it -35 Celsius with the wind chill.

Hope you are having the time of your life.

Love Lelle

12:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Stephanie,
Talking to Gabs and Sofia at a volleyball game at Abbott and they told me of your world travels. Wanted to say hello and wish you all the best. We will be following your adventures like everyone else. As you are aware we both graduated at the same time even though I took a little longer than you. However, like you I am enjoying it. Have a pint or two for me and a 'toast' to you for good luck!

5:06 AM


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