Saturday, January 22, 2005

When it Rains, it Pours...

... and by that I don't mean that bad things keep happening to me. No, I've been in Sydney for four days now, and I've come to the realization that the weather here is a little crazy. It's always beautiful and sunny during the day (27+), and then at night it cools down to just the right temperature for pants and a tank top. However, mother nature seems rather moody in this country. Today, for insatnce, was a gorgeous day, until about 4:00, when it started to pour... and we're talking crazy rain here, non of this drizzling crap. Thunder, Lightning, the works, and then, to top things off, the rain turns to (get this!) hail! What? It's 25 degress outside and there is hail falling from the sky... nasty ice pellets the size of small gyumballs. It was quite a sight to see. And this isn't the first time this has happened. 4 beautiful days, 3 stormy nights... weird as all hell.

Anyways, today we went to the Blue Mountains. It was pretty cool. We got to walk through rainforests, over and under waterfalls and through the valleys. It was really pretty, like all the picutres lead you to believe about australia as a whole. Once again, I took loads of pictures... I'm addicted to the camera, I can't be helped.

Anyways, I'm going for dinner now... talk to you all soon!

Steph :)

Kris: I don't care what time it is on Saturday morning, I'm calling you in a few hours and I want to know about your situation... I'm slightly confused...

Val: Merci de m'ecrire en Francais, ca fait du bien de savoir que je suis toujours capable de parler deux langues... Je m'excuse de ne pas etre venue te voir, mais je ne me suis meme pas rendue compte que vous aviez recommencer l'ecole avant que je ne partes!

Christy: I'm glad you would go to such lengths as to set up an account for me! I love you to death! By the way, our shoes aren't so different, you know... in fact, you are the proud buyer of the shoes I have worn most often these past few days! Say hi to Steph and Julie for me!


Blogger Kristelle said...

YAY call me!:)I'm already awake!!! So much to tell you!! love you take care have fun go run naked under th rain!

7:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allo Steph,
C'est GabO. Ouais comme tu peux voir je me suis pas creer un blog, je comprends rien, alors je post des messages anonymes non-anonymes pour maintenant.

Alors je suis contente qu'il fasse chaud chez toi, pis si tu te demande encore qu'est ce que tu fais la un jour, t'auras juste a penser a notre climat d'inuit et tu vas aller mieux. Serieusement, il fait TROP froid ici.

Bon pour passer aux choses plus sérieuses Steph, j'ai appris par ta maman que tu avais vu DANNY. Alors inutile de te dire que je suis extremement jalouse!! En tout cas CA ca commence bien un voyage! Il est tu toujours aussi hot??

Steph la je dois aller travailler, mais je veux juste te dire qu'on pense beaucoup a toi ici.


3:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allo Steph,
C'est GabO. Ouais comme tu peux voir je me suis pas creer un blog, je comprends rien, alors je post des messages anonymes non-anonymes pour maintenant.

Alors je suis contente qu'il fasse chaud chez toi, pis si tu te demande encore qu'est ce que tu fais la un jour, t'auras juste a penser a notre climat d'inuit et tu vas aller mieux. Serieusement, il fait TROP froid ici.

Bon pour passer aux choses plus sérieuses Steph, j'ai appris par ta maman que tu avais vu DANNY. Alors inutile de te dire que je suis extremement jalouse!! En tout cas CA ca commence bien un voyage! Il est tu toujours aussi hot??

Steph la je dois aller travailler, mais je veux juste te dire qu'on pense beaucoup a toi ici.


3:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey steph,
like gab, i (CHRIS SCHLIEP is doing the anonymous thing. Glad to hear about your (at my dads in niagara falls) it's cold and snowed 20 cm today, but unlike the other people, i'm not know me...winter boy.

the outlook for my so called Shaggin' waggin' as you named it isn't good. I'm pretty sure at 99.999999% it will be put to rest in the car graveyard.

I will write back soon. It seems like you are having a blast in the land up north. (no...i didn't make a mistake, TECHNICALLY, if you go north-ish, you'll hit australia...unless the world is it? :P

talk soon and keep having a blast.

P.s. when are you there till?

6:31 PM

Blogger PrincessChristy said...

OMG - so, under usual cicumstances what happened to me last night would call for an LSGMMN, but for now this is the best we can do - Last night, Arm and I went out for some drinks and out of nowhere he asks me this: "Who is this other armenian man you claim you are going to marry?" I thought I was going to die. I looked to see if I could just run out the door, but that was not an option as there was a rather large table blocking my way and I never would have made it out in time before he caught me so I had to explain myself. Apparently, his cousin (the one who set us up) thought it would be funny to tell him this story in the event that he happened to really like me so that his feelings would not get too hurt if Arto suddenly proposed and I accepted! So, here I am, tell a guy I want to go out with about another guy I want to marry. This is the stuff soaps are made of...but he was pretty good about it. In fact, he didnt dump me on the spot as I suspected he would. Instead he asked me if I was going to let something like that ruin his chances of getting to know me better. The only thing I could say was that I would have to be insane to do that and if that were the case, he doesnt deserve me. Then we kissed - aww....and left it at that. But, Steph, just for a second try and imagine my face at that exact time. Oh, and then imagine my face when he asked me who got me the pretty braclet I had on (you know, the one Arto got me - hee hee) It was an evening of surprises to say the least. But I guess I pulled some great impression management because he asked me to go away with him in Feb to a chalet...who knows, this guy might actually give Arto a run for his money!!! Anyways, hope things are better than the last time we spoke. The whole K clan wishes you the best and sends there love. Bye Bye for now.

7:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allo Stéphanie,
C'est Sylvain et Carole. Comment vas-tu? Nous on prendrait de la grêle n'importe quand au lieu de -30 sous zéro. Dis-moi, est-ce que tu as commencé à porter des flip flop aussi? Je suis contente de savoir que c'est vraiment beau et non seulement dans les revues. As-tu vu des kangourous??? J'ai remarqué qu'il y avait un tournoi de tennis en Australie, et qu'il y avait un espèce de beau gars qui joue, (tout un beau gars, grand blond musclé) tu devrais aller "checquer" ça. J'espère que Sylvain ne va pas lire ce message hi, hi... Sylvain part pour Las Vegas demain matin, il a une job vraiment platte et une semaine après à Los Angeles, il sera de retour seulement le 4 février... pas l'fun dutout pour moi. Anyway, on pense souvent à toi Steph et j'espère que tu en profites beaucoup et que tu t'amuses. On t'aime!

4:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Steph, (cé Natasha)

Je voulais avoir de tes nouvelles. Déborah et moi on voulaient te rendre visite la soirée avant ton départ, mais lorsqu'on a appeler chez toi tu étais sortie. Je voulais te dire comme je te trouve courageuse d'être dans un autre pays et d'être tellement indépendante. Ça doit être vraiment l'fun!! Tu me manques Steph...Tu est vraiment fine de mettre tous ce que tu fais dans la journée sur ce site parce que j'ai l'impression que tu es super proche et que je te parle comme d'habitude. Je dois y aller j'ai un essay à retravailler (Mr.Bogue's essay).

En passant, on a dit aurevoir à madamme Sewina de ta part, elle partais la semaine dernière.
Bye bye et prends soin de toi... je t'aime fort!

6:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what's up Steph, this is Rouleau in the house.... Yeah, well I didn't know you were in Australia until I went to see the abbott game against sherbrooke! But I wish you a really really great time in Australia and hope that everything will go well!!!! I just have one little favor to ask u...can you fight with a kangaroo and see if its really like in the cartoons??? THey always are amazing I was wondering if it was true :) Anyways, I'll let you enjoy the hot weather while our amazing winter is better than ever! Oh and btw, you will be glad to hear that your not missing anything when it comes to our beloved Montreal Canadiens.... they are still meeting once in a while and still acting like babies!!!!



4:06 PM


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