Thursday, January 27, 2005

Koalas and Kangaroos and Spiders, Oh My!

Hey guys!!

As the title of this latest post may suggest, I have seen quite a lot of interesting wildlife lately... I hopped on the Oz bus on Monday and am now working my way up the east coast. It's cool cuz the driver knows everything anput anything and he stops everywhere we ask him to. So the other day we were driving through a National Park and we spotted a Koala in the wild. They really are as cute as in the pictures! I could not get a picture of it, because it kept moving, but trust me, it was really cool!

Later that night, we stopped at our hostel, which was really just some shack in the middle of nowehere, but anyway... I met some Canadian boys that are also on the bus and one of them came for a walk with me through the forest and what do we see, just lying there in our way? A Kangaroo... Too Cool! It was so funny, it saw us coming and it started hopping away, but it was giving us cut eye the whole time. It's so funny how they hop. I got pictures of those, though, so don't worry.

Finally, this weird shelter thing was not exactly bug free. We had to perform the standard roach/spider check before going to bed and, just my luck, there was spider the size of my fist (not even kidding) in my bed... gross gross gross. Roaches didn't show up till the next day, but they were gross too.

Other than that, I'm in Byron bay right now, pretty much living on the ocean, but it's RAINING again! Blah... but at least it's warm, right? Right.

Anyways, I'm being challenged to a surf lesson by my new Canadian buddies, so I'm gonna go see that they get their asses kicked by a girl!

Love you lots! Miss you more!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEy Steph (Chris Schliep)
HURRAY, i'm the first to post a comment :P. That is really cool that you got to say a kangaroo/koalas. The spiders too, but hey, atleast they aren't squirrels :P. You seem to be having lots of fun, which is awesome but don't forget about the BEAUTIFUL SNOW LAND up north. As for the surfing, i'm sure you'll love it. It's sooo much fun, especially once you get the hang of it. It's way cool, but you have to talk with the surfer slang and all that hippie talk. Naturally, it goes with it.

I'm doing good over here. Still at my dads, working like an SOB. But it's all good, i'm making some money so i'll be able to travel...hopefully.

I have to go for now. But keep having fun. By the way, if the simpsons has taught me anything, the inside of a kangaroo pouch is not like in the cartoons, it's full of slime and things to that effect, so don't try to hide in one. :P

take care,
and see you soon,

4:52 PM

Blogger PrincessChristy said...

Hi Steph,
Canadian boys....oh no :( My thoughts are with Heather in hopes of Aussie babies....just kidding! But seriously, I'm glad to hear you're going on some new adventures. By the way, how's your hair holding up? I mean, camping is great (I love it just as much as the next person - wait, no I don't) but what do you do with your hair??? And can you please stop wandering off into forests with random people. Don't you know what happens to pretty girls who wander off into forest - they get eaten by wolves...or, in your case,giant koalas (it can happen). Good luck surfing. Dazzl'em!!! - spoken like a true lsg girl.
miss you, love you lots, take care

7:27 PM

Blogger Ray said...

Cher Stéphanie,

Your leave-taking from la belle province has sent me into throes of grief and despair. Since your departure, even the pigeons that roam the snow-covered streets seem to weep at your absence, along with other various forms of Canadian wildlife that your beaming personality had heretofore illuminated and enhanced to levels of luminousness never before viewed by human eyes. As for myself, my situation has become increasingly dire, as Heather refuses to indulge my nose-picking fetish (not that she could do it nearly as well as you anyway). Alas! Woe is me!

Sincerely yours,

Jacques Raymond... to be known henceforth as... Chester Eleganté.

Ok im done. Miss ya Steph!



P.S. Bugs Bunny IS attractive when he’s dressed up like a woman.

P.P.S. Watch out for those herpes.

10:50 PM

Blogger Kristelle said...

!!hey hey hey my stephy!!!
Yay, koalas and kangourous:) You are so lucky but like christy said why did you go walk in a forest with a canadian stranger...i hope thet you had pepper spray!!!! A spider the size of your fist....oh my....coakroaches eeeeeeewwwwwwwww well at least the canadian boys will have a purpose to this journey of yours....kill all the bibites! Hey i want to know about the sleeping in a pub thing...i want details about that night!!!!!
anyways enjoy the ocean and the nice it's just getting colder and colder!!!
love you
kisses and hugs!

7:20 AM


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