Friday, January 28, 2005

Surfer Chicks

Hey guys!!

I went surfing today... that's right, I went surfing today! Matt wants to tell you how wonderful I was, so here he is:

Matt: Steph was great and amazing at the surf board... stop twisting my arm!!!... ow..... let go! thats not supposed to move that way!!
... sorry! where was I? Oh yeah... shes really great and amazing... ow... and she went on this huge wave!

K.. is that enough?... ok ...


Thanks, Matt, he wasn't as wonderful as I was... No that's not true, he was pretty good. Actually, we had loads of fun and we got some pretty good pictures of it, so as soon as I get a hold of a computer with an actual tower, I'll be sending those home. I'm thinking of sending some postcards soon, so you should all be very excited.

Anywho, that's all for now, just letting you know how adventurous I really am, even though I have still not had the courage to try vegemite. Keep the responses coming, I think you are all fabulous, and I can't wait to see you again, though that won't be for quite a while!

Steph :)

P.S. Chrsity and Kristelle, my hair is just fine, thank you very much for you concern... I'll be able to handle it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Stephanie

I am happy to have some news about you. I am also glad to see that you are having some fun.

Today I am writing from Las Vegas. The weather here is not that great, we are supposed to be in the desert and the desert is supposed to be dry!!! Iv'e had rain for the last two days and it's going to rain the next two.

On Monday I will be driving to LA, I hope the weather is better. My luck in the casinos has not been very good, my boss on the contrary is up $1000. I hope my luck changes around.

Anyway it's great to read about you and I am looking forward to seing a lot of pictures.

Have a great adventure

Your uncle Sly

6:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello steph
c'est val, la ptite francophone, la seule qui écrit encore en francais ou presque. Jai lu que tu as fait du SURF!! Ohmygod, c'est tellement coooll!!! AU Qc tout va bien mais il fait vrrraiment frette, pas froid, frette. Tu sais pas quoi, Madame Sewina, la prof de math 436, elle a pris sa retraite et est partie dans le Aussieland pour 4mois !!! Peut-être que tu vas la voir faire du surf... Noooonnnnn , jepense pas... drole d'image dans ma tête, sewina qui fait du surf.
Bon c'est tout, je voulais juste dire un petit coucou !!
Love u,
P.S. Une fille à Abbott était super surprise quand elle a appris quon était pas des vraies soeurs... loll elle a dit: You guys look so much alike that i didn't ask you if she was your older sister. Bisous, Ciao!

9:49 AM

Blogger Kristelle said...

so this matt guy? what type of guy is he???white?tall?skinny?rich?? Joking...i'm sure he's a great guy and it was nice of him to say that you're a great surfer and i'm sure you are!!!!Are you like those girls in blue crush?? Post cards?????Nice, can i have one with ian thorpe naked and one with a nice australian outnack view???? can i??:) I'm so excited for you!!!!
anyways keep having fun!!!!
keep thinking about you and miss you a lot
love,kisses and hugs
p.s Frank says hi

11:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Steph,
So you went surfing and came away with all body parts still attached, congratulations. I bet surfing was a bleedin' blast. I am super happy that you made new friends and that you are enjoying yourself so much, as was intended, may it contiue that way for the remainder of your trip. I miss you and can't wait to see you again.

2:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Toujours aussi anonymement, je voulais te dire un petit bonjour. Je reviens d'un petit voyage a Quebec pour aller voir ma grand mere, pis je lui ai parle de toi pis des kangourous pis des Koalas, elle a aimé ca!!

A part de ca je suis un petit peu en choc en ce moment parce qu'il se passe quelque chose de bizarre avec la perruche de ma tante que je garde. Elle a un probleme de taille, pis je sais pas trop quoi faire... C vraiment degeu, je t'épargne des details!!

Je suis contente que tu aies l'air de t'amuser. Pis je trouve que ca sent le sex avec Matty Boy, mais c'est correct parce que ca rime avec Danny Boy... (J'espere que il va pas lire ca... mais il doit pas comprendre le francais... ni le mot sex... ni son nom en francais hahaha bravo Gab!)

Bon bien j'espere que tu continue a faire des 'bebite check' avant de te coucher, c'Est toujours une bonne idee de savoir avec quels specimens on passe la nuit.


10:52 AM

Blogger PrincessChristy said...

Hi Steph,
Boy you missed a show last night, but that's ok - I'll recap....lots of clowns and drunk people & that's all I have to say about that. But it was good fun and Kristina rocked the house in her little yellow baby doll dress. She was so cute with her big red nose. Anyways I kept you in mind so you were there in spirit. I wish I could be there surfing it up with you, although we both know that I would probably just be lying on the beach and not actually surfing but it's the thought that counts right?! Instead I have midterms and assignments coming out of my *** and I'm starting to feel like I'm not going to make it out of this semester alive. But enough about me, this blog is for you - Miss you lots (especially last night)and I can't wait to hear from you soon.
Take care and keep having lots of fun. The family sends their love.
P.S. A word from someone who's been there/done that, you do NOT want to try vegemite. Trust me on this one....

8:42 AM


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