Monday, January 31, 2005

My Dad's Dream House!

Hi guys!
It's going on two weeks that I've been gone now, and I bet you all have forgotten what I look like, well, worry not... I'm still a pink wearing, blond bimbo!

Besides that, though, yesterday was a very sad day. My new friends and I left Byron Bay together, but most of us went our seperate ways. Matt went right passed Brisbane to Mooloolaba, Sophie stopped in Surfer's Paradise, while Dave and Tom went to meet some friends in Brisbane. Laura and I are also in Brisbane, oddly enough, still together, but we'll get to that later. It was really sad, because, although I've only known these people for 5 days, it was like leaving all my friends back home all over again... in the infamous words of Kristina, life out here is like life times ten, everything you feel is just magnified to that extent. 5 days of friendship, and it seemed like forever... strange...

Anyways, as for me and Laura... I was going to go stay at a youth hostel in downtown Brisbane, and Laura was coming to live with some friends she met in Antarctica, a couple in the mid-60s. Well, as I was hugging Laura goodbye, Pat (the lady of the house) came and asked me if I wouldn't like to come and stay with them for a little while, instead of staying at the hostel. I was reluctant at first, but decided, hey... two nights free accomodation and some home cooked food.. why not? So I hopped into the car with them and Pat and Ron took us on a tour of the Brisbane outdoor market and of a National Park, whose name I forget. But I hand fed some birds (big step for me, considering how much birds frighten me...) and we climbed a huge tree all the way to the top... very cool. The point is, when we got back to their house, I was in shock. This place is like a palace... it is absolutely enormous and stunningly beautiful. Also, it is in the middle of the bush... surrounded by tress.... the road is not even visible, it is sooo private. We had dinner outside, where it was only 30 degrees, and we were interupted by a wallabee, a possum, a toad and various bugs. Not bad for dinner in the yard.... So I've decided that it is officially Rob's dream house!!

Today we went to a theme park, but those are the same the world over, so I'll spare the details. Except maybe the one where i got to pet a kangaroo and a koala.... cute cute cute!

Okay, that's it for now!

Steph :)

P.S. Mark, j'ai oublie de t'ecrire en francais, je m'excuse, mais je t'aime pareil!


Blogger Ray said...

uh, you seem to be slacking off on our little science project. you'd better get to work on cross-breeding those koalas and wallabies, chop chop. i wanna see some genuine koallaby babies by the the end of the month. that's right, the end of the month, so hop to it!

10:50 AM

Blogger Kristelle said...

hey stephy the explorer!
you fed birds...wait till i tell kinky about that...when u come back home he would want u to feed him! So you petted a koala and a kangourou????Omg i'm so jealous...i just get to smell like kangourous...oh well! maybe you can hide a kangourou in your bag for my bday ;) Well i'm happy that you met so many new ppl keep up with the good job and miss you a lot
kisses and hugz!
p.s ONLY 30 degrees....

2:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Steph,
It me Rob. OK, yeah you're right, if I were staying where you are I would think I had died and gone to heaven. I can't tell you how happy I am that your are having the wonderful time that we all had wished for you before you left. Long may your good fortune continue with regards to the people are meeting. You are actually chums with someone who has been to Antartica? Wow.
I have no real news so I'll sign off now, goodnight, love you lots.

Heather's note made me think that you might want to hear that your puppies are well.

6:30 PM


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