Where to begin... well, let's try the beginning. I left the dream house on Tuesday, and am now at the Palace Backpackers in Brisbane where I met up with Sophie, my friend from the Oz Bus. We toured the city a little, and, big surprise, it's a city like all the others... with shops and food courts and such. Fantastic. Anyway, the point of this city talk is that (all you St-Georges guys will get this) everywhere I go, I expect to see Mme. Sewina lurking about. She told me she was going to be in Brisbane, so I kepp looking (down) to see if she's not about to walk into me...
But anyway, back to the topic at hand. Yesterday, Sophie, James and I went to Moreton Island, which is the third largest sand island in the world. It was very cool. We started the day out by sandboarding, which, as you may have guessed, is like snowboarding, but on sand. I was obviously to much of a chicken to try it (I've had bad snowboarding experiences), so I opted for the toboggan option, which seemd a whole lot safer. It was pretty exhilirating, if you could look beyond the sand that got all over your hair, mouth, eyes, nose, etc...
After that, we went on a 4WD tour of the island, which was pretty rough. Sand roads are not exactly optimal driving conditions, though I think I handled it better than most, cuz I'm used to driving on snow. We finally arrived at our destination, which was a prefectly pristine beach called Champagne Pool. It's called that because there are big rocks formations down the side, and when the ocean waves hit the rocks, the bubbles that come over look like Champagne Bubbles. It's absolutely breathtaking. We saw a few more beaches as well, then went to the lighthouse, from which we could look down on the ocean, and see the turtles swimming around. Not too shabby.
All in all, it was a pretty cool trip... except that I somehow managed to get a fairly splotchy tan on my back, which sucks... but hey, I can fix that.
Today was pretty uneventful. I had a job interview this morning, which went well, but I (along with my mom) have come to the conclusion that this is a pretty sketchy place (and she didn't even hear about the bar inside the office), so I'm going to have to turn that down. Too bad... This afternoon, I got lost in the city with Sophie and said goodbye to James, who got back on the Oz Bus... I'll see him again soon, I have no doubt.
Ok, I guess that's enough out of me!
Love you lots!
Steph :)
P.S. Kristina, I'm really sorry I missed your show... and I really hope you can get a tape of it for me... your clowning is certainly good for the soul!