Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Water... Glorious Water!!

Hello Hello!!

I'm soooooooooooo hot!!! No seriously, everyone here is so sweaty it's actually kind of disgusting to look around, but that's besides the point.

The point is actually that water is my new favourite thing in the world. Not only have I been drinking about 6 litres a day (not even kidding) in order to stay even remotely hydrated, but any time an opportunity comes up to go swimming, I feel like I'm in heaven. Yesterday, for instance, Sophie, Dave and I went down to some Waterfall in Mooloolaba. It was absolutely gorgeous... not the biggest waterfall I've ever seen, but big enough for us to swim under and have a really great afternoon. The water was the perfect temperature and there was no one else around, so it was really relaxing.

The only unpleasant bit about it was the guy who showed us how to get there. Some local guy we met on the bus... he seemed nice enough, but I wasn't too thrilled by his drinking (he was carrying a six pack and drank 3 beers in about 15 minutes), smoking (don't think I saw him without a cigarette in his mouth), wheezing (just creepy) and complete lack of teeth... odd really (Heather: he kinda reminded me of the road to freedom guy!)

Anyways, I'm here in Noosa today and we, once again haven't got much to do...but I'm sure we'll figure something out.
Talk to you all soon, probably with another stupid adventure to report!

Love you, Kiss you!

Steph :)

P.S. Ray your koalabees are on their way, so worry not!

P.P.S. I actually ate Kangaroo steak the other day... it's really chewy and knid of unpleasant... just thought you should know.


Blogger PrincessChristy said...

Hi! woo hoo I'm the first one - wish I had something interesting to say...but this isn't about me after's about you. Thanks for the e-mail, always appreciate your honest advice. And trust me I do listen to what you say - although you may be younger than me in years you pass me in wisdom! So, hot and sweaty, can't honestly say that's ever been a problem for me - I do prefer life that way. Kudos on the water - the benefits will thrill you and the best is that you can never have too much b/c you'll just pee (or sweat) it out. It's one of those rare things that you can enjoy without worrying about moderation - sort of like spending time with me :) Haa Haa even I wouldn't be able to do that! Nevermind... I can't believe you ate a kangaroo...gross! Well, that's all that I have time for as I am trying to study for my motivation midterm but get this - I'm just not motivated to do so...Anyways, take care of yourself little one.

5:07 PM

Blogger Ash said...

Hey Stephy,
It didn't happen yet? Well that's a sad story to hear! LOL Remember tho, if it does happen, I'm only a phone call away!
You ate kangaroo? That's lovely...ur a sick fuck you know that right! :0 And why, my darling, are you complaining about the heat and sun? I mean, besides that fact that I'm sure you're having very interesting hair days, hot weather will surpass weather in Montreal. It's actually raining today. I'm supposed to be going on a survival camping trip next weekend and we hafta snowshoe accross the lake...with weather like this we'll be swimming!
Anywho, g2g apply to university! Glad to hear you're having an amazing time. Don't forget me! Luv and miss ya!

11:43 AM

Blogger Ray said...

Keep up the good work Steph. And by good work, i mean eating and/or cross-breeding as many animals as possible. Just like those crocodiles you saw. Be the crocodile. They're plenty nice. The animals love them. Animals love being eaten. They told me so. Being eaten by a crocodile is just like going to a giant blender.


12:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Stephanie,

Ok so I (an animal lover) don't see anything that wrong with eating kangaroo. In lots of places they eat snake, you might yet have a chance to try it there (I can see your face now as you swallow, if indeed you were able to). Sound like staying as cool as possible is taking up a lot of your time. So am I to understand you won't be bringing the guy that showed you to the bus home to meet the family?
Gotta go now, love you and miss you very much. Keep busy, and keep smiling. Rob.

1:51 PM


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