Sunday, February 20, 2005

Popeye the Sailor Man

Hey guys!
Me again! Are you surprised? No...

Anyways, lets get straight into the adventures of late. I spent the last three days on a sailboat in the Whitsunday Islands just outside Airlie Beach. It was absolutely amazing. To begin with, our skipper looked like Popeye, so that was fuuny. Also, we got to stop at all the islands and beaches where the sand is pure white and lots of the beaches actually are entirely made of's like walking on implants... no, but seriously, it's the softest sand ever! And the water... oh my god... it was sooooo blue! Amazing.

We also got the chance to go scuba divbing and snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef and that was just about the coolest thing I've done so far., if you overlook the fact that I had to wear a stinger suit (sexist things ever!!! full body spandex...grrrr). One minute, you're standing on the beach, totallly unaware of what's around you... and the next you stick your head underwater and you are in a whole new world. It's absolutely fantastic... the coral is so colourful and the fish are really cool. I'm usually pretty scared of fish, what with the creepy eyes and whatnot, but these are pretty cool. They are also pretty dumb... they'll swim right up to you, realize that you're bigger than them, start to swim away, forget what they are doing, and come back. It's really funny to watch. While I didn't find Nemo (Australia's favourite fish, and I'm not even kidding) I did see some really cool fish. there was a huge Rainbow coloured fish and this crazy-eyed fish that looked like it was actually cut up into puzzle pieces. I can't even begin to describe the outstanding feeling of diving, but at least I've tried... and one more thing, if you ever get the opportunity to do it. DO IT! you will probably never see anything as amazing as this anywhere else but at the bottom of the sea... and any sea will do, I'm sure!

Other than that, the sailing itself went pretty well. The people were pretty cool, there was even a guy who could compete with Graham in the funny contest... the food was awesome and the crew was really nice. I only felt a little bit seasick for a short while, so that's good, and we saw a huge turtle one day. It was really awesome!!

Anyway, that's all the gushing I can really do in one spurt, so I'll leave you with that!

See you later!

Steph :)


Blogger Kristelle said...

under the must have been amazing:) Like in the little mermaid style but real...did u feel like ariel???
anyways miss you and love you
kisses and hugs

7:15 AM

Blogger Ray said...

soft sand = good. got it. so ya. news on the homefront. the homestead, if you will. so i haven't been over to walk your dogs yet. it's been pretty cold, been freezin' my nips off, and so forth. and i don't think Heather wants me doing stuff that makes me look crazy. little does she know, i'm up to all sort of late night tomfoolery. that's right, i round up all the dogs in the neighbourhood and we go running through the night; dancing and laughing, dancing and laughing. then i return each dog to its proper homestead just before the crack of dawn, with noone the wiser. how, you ask? through the chimney, my dear, through the chimney, *nose touch*.
okey dokes, that ends my nonsensical ramblings for the night, who's crazy now, huh? who's crazy now? yes, dirty australians, that's who.

aaaaand i'm out.


9:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Stephy,
I'm kinda in class right now, so this blog message will have to be short. I had my interview for Communications yesterday. The interview was fine, but then I had to write a paper about a social issue...which was also fine, but totally unexpected! I still have not yet watched ER...apprently last week's was a CRAZY NEW ER!!! We'll hafta have a full 24 hour ER binge. Wow u were Ariel for the day...that's awesome! Did u take underwater pics of all the pretty fish? Bring home some silicone for me...i need it! LOL!!! Oh yeah, I'm gonna watch a semi-pro hockey game tomorrow. It's not my beautiful babies, but it'll hafta do! Anywho, teacher's looking at me funny, and I gotta do a presentation now.
See ya soon
Luv ya lots and miss you more

6:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Steph,
I loved to have some postal news from you. La photo ( sur un chameau ) est vraiment belle, ca fais rever and it's good to see you and hear that you are having a good time. J'ai hate de te revoir, on essai de squatter chez vous le plus souvent possible afin de penser a toi. Hey partner... je te laisse. Thanks so much for the X-mas gifts ( Jo finally gave it to me ) It's great, et je vais t'attendre pour les smoke bomb ( on Jo's car maybe lol joke josé) Ok so take care and keep enoying your trip.
love ya XXXXXXXXXXX june 28th

9:40 AM


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