Monday, February 14, 2005

Dingo ate ya baby?

Hey guys!!

Ok, so I didn't actually have a baby and get it eaten by a Dingo, but I'm working on it... well, no... but whatever.

I did, however, spend last night in a place called Dingo. We actually slept in a cattle station, which, despite the enormous bugs, was very cool. The entire estate is formed of the dorms where we slept, a bar and 42,000 acres of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! It's cool, really... they have 40,000 cows there...

So, last might was basically party party party, cuz there were two Oz Busses there. We had a sick BBQ dinner, Aussie style, and then there was lots of drinking, singing and dancing on tables. They do that a lot down here, the whole dancing on tables thing... but that;s not the point. The point is that, during the evening, the cowboys who run the place (hottest cowboy ever is one of them, by the way) told us that the only place in the world where line dancing is considered cool was in Dingo. So, needless to say, we were taught. Just picture 100 drunk 19-40 years olds trying to line dance. It wasn't pretty, especially considering that line dancing is actually really difficult.

So that's last night. This morning, not-so-hot cowboy Rich took us out on a tour of the property before we headed out. This would have beenb pretty boring, since it's just dry land and a some cows running around, but with the shotguns, whips and boomerangs, it got pretty interesting. Out first stop on the tour took us basically into the forest, where we were taught how to shoot a rifle... scary and loud really, but definitely provides an adrenalin rush. Also at this stop, Cowboy Rich shot his shotgun at a pair of shorts I volunteered to "give them a bit of Dingo style". what that means, basically, is that I now have a pair of shorts with lots of little holes in them. It's ok, though, cuz I figure it'll make a pretty good story. "Hey what happened to your shorts?" "Oh, you know, just a shotgun" I think it's entertaining, anyway... After that, we were taught how to crack a whip... very cool... no one will ever want to get on my bad side again (not that I ever had one, but whatever). That's also a pretty difficult move, but with a little practice, it gets easier. Finally, we were shown how to toss a boomerang so that it a) comes back to us, and b) doesn't kill us. Good to know!

So that's Dingo in a nutshell... pretty interesting place, actually. I'm in Airlie Beach now, and I'm going to be sailing the Whitsunday Islands on Friday until Sunday, so that'll be good. The weather is still really hot, but I've got a pool and a beach, so I'm all good!

See you later!

Steph :)


Blogger Kristelle said...

hey cutie....or should i say future dominatrix hahahahahahahha!!!! i like it how you say rick the "not-so-hot..." it's pure gold...and damn you better have taken pictures of yourself line dancing drunk...anyways have fun sailing and hope that your tanning like a golden brown toast...wtvr that sounds brown...
love you miss you
kisses and hugz

12:33 PM

Blogger Ash said...

Hey Stephy,
I got your letter today, and it's nice to know that you still blonde and in love with pink! The picture of you surfing is awesome, and I am very jealouse. It's amazing how in every comment I have, I'm jealouse. I guess it's because you seem to be having an AMAZING time without me! I have my interview for Concordia next Wednesday, and then that apparently dreadfull test for communications! This should interesting...dear god help me! So you now have holy short eh!? Were they the ones you bought at jacob that you thought were black but turned out to be navy?!?! Should have waited for the hot cowboy. You wasted a perfectly good pair of shorts on the not so good looking guy. What were u thinking (or rather were u thinking!) It's okay I still love you. Oh yeah...i had a boyfriend! For a total of two weeks! Then i realized he was an ass, and that was the end of that. Yeah, I know, I'm stupid *as I picture the look you are giving me!* Don't forget Max's birthday tomorrow! Love ya lots and missing you more.
Have fun...get a nice tan. And the next time you take ur shorts off....make sure he's hot....and has a crazy accent...that's hot too!!!!
Mitch is the man, you're the screw-up, I'm the idiot, and we're all losers!!! (is that how it goes again?) Not only am i going through Stephy-ER withdrawal, I'm also suffering from Stephy-Empire Records syndrome. I'm talking to ur mom right now... Anywho, I'm leaving for real now.

11:54 AM

Blogger Ray said...

so ya, hockey has been killed. looks like it's ritual suicide again. but wait, is there a glimmer of hope? there is! cue the countdown: 72 days and 13 hours until the Hockey World Championships in Austria! start booking your tickets... and mine. and maybe we'll let Heather come too. but only if she's nice.

aaaaaand i'm out.

6:24 PM

Blogger PrincessChristy said...

Ok, am I the only one who sees a problem with you taking your shorts off for a cowboy (and an ugly one at that)...I hope you were wearing something hot underneath. After all, you did work at LaSenza!!! So, I'm thinking something small, stringy, made of lace or maybe marabou (that the company loves so much)....don't disappoint me here. And another thing, rifles are dangerous Steph, what were you thinking. Once again I seem to be the only one utterly concerned about all these "ranch" activities. It just sounds like one big game of cowboys and indians. Got your post card today and I must say - it brought tears. I miss you very much my dear and am counting the days till you get home. But, please, return with your pants ON. Have a great weekend at sea. I guess we wont be talking since you'll be out there in the big blue sea - so take the time to think of me!!!(hee hee, that sorta rhymes) The K clan sends their love. Take Care xoxox

12:33 PM


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