Thursday, February 10, 2005

Camel Toe!!!

Hey Hey!

It's raining again, so I'll take this time to tell you all about camel toe... not the disgusting kind, but actual, real camel's toes. Camel's have really large, circular feet and, while they look like said "camel toe" at first glance, when they step, there appearance changes greatly. Their whole foot, which is soft, squishes to the ground and sort of spreads out, it's cool, really.

How do I know this, you may wonder? Well, this morning, Sophie, Natalie (new English girl) and I hopped on yet another day trip bus and headed to an island, where we rode camels for a few hours on the beach. Those things, by the way, are ENORMOUS!!!! And ugly... their eyes are like the size of my head and they are constantly chewing (with their mouths open, of course!)... oh, and they smell awful, really, they give off the worst smell... worse than Graham and Jean-Luc combined , and that's saying something.

Other than that, not much to report...I'm leaving again tomorrow, heading to Bargara then to the town of 1770. So who knows what will happen down there!

Alright, I'm off to take a walk in the rain...

See you soon!

Steph :)



Blogger Kristelle said...

i love more than you love me:P

7:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Steph,
Question: What is "the disgusting kind" of camel toe. The only kind of camel toe I have ever heard of is on a camel' feet.
Very glad to hear that you have made yet another friend (not something you have ever had a lot of trouble doing). Hope you will have her company after you and Sophie go your seperate ways. A walk in the rain at ~30 degrees will feel great I bet. Finally you will be able to cool of a bit. When you find out will you please let me know the history behind a town being named 1770? Love ya lots, Rob.

7:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Stephanie,

I am really enjoying reading your daily logs. It's great you have some new friends. I don't think I would have the nerve to touch snakes or get up close to crocodiles. You certainly are having the time of your life. What has been your favorite place so far? Take care. Much love.


3:48 PM

Blogger Ray said...

What? What the hell's goin' on? Since when can guys have a camel toe? Is this some sort of new breed of camel toe? If so, it needs to be put down, with a vengeance, because it makes me nauseous just thinking about it. But ya, you keep making out with those camels Steph, I see you've finally found an adequate substitute for our midnight makeout sessions. I can't say I'm not a little jealous, but I suppose I can't compete with the powerful spit of a camel, not to mention their enchanting musk. Anywho, I'll try to improve on those aspects of my game as I await your return.


11:02 PM

Blogger PrincessChristy said...

Hi Stephy,
How's it going? I don't have much to say at the moment as I am rather hung over and in desperate need of coffee but I want to just say that I miss you a lot and I went out last night and good times just aren't as good without you...
Lots of Love from the K family

7:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hellllooooo Stephh !!
c'est val
Ca va ?? Je peux pas croire que t'as mangé du kangooroo. C'était bon au moins ?? Ici, pas grand chose qui arrive, oh, tu sais pas quoi, cam est alleé magasiner a la Senza pour deux panties. Le size XL lui fait pis il y avait un tellement cute chien en toutou avec des coeurs dessus ahhh je veux l'acheter. Les filles qui travaillaient la nous trouvait un peu bizarre de magasiner la mais en tout cas.

Parlant de St-Valentin, yaurait pas un aussie boy pour combler tes désirs le jour de l'amour ???? Ca serait tellement sweet. Faut qu'y soit hot.
Sérieusement, i love you, pis passe une bonne st-valentin meme si tes loin. On t'aime bcq pareil

val, la mini

2:09 PM

Blogger Kristelle said...

lots of love and caring!

8:07 PM


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