Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Finding Nemo

Hello Hello!

Ok, so, just so we're clear, you are all now reading the writings of a certified scuba diver. Granted, a scuba diver who got terribly seasick on the way to the Great Barrier Reef and who retched all over a garbage can, but a scuba diver no less... now that we've gotten the gross stuff out of the way, let's move on, shall we?

So, on Monday, I set out on a tree day trip on the Reef, where I got to participate in 4 training dives and 5 free dives. It was awesome.... that training dives kinda suck, cuz you have to do all these "skills", which include taking your mask off under water and replacing it (not pleasant in salt water), taking out your air supply, tossing it aside and retrieving it, and other things that are just as unpleasant.

The free dives though, now those were cool. The reef is amazing; colours, textures and all kinds of weird plants that you would never ever see anywhere else. And the fish... geez! I saw more fish in the past 3 days than I have in my entire life. They are everywhere, and they literally just swim up in your face to see what you're up to. I took loads of pictures, though whether or not they turn is to be determined. I was only supposed to take the camera to 15 metres, but I took it to 18, so we'll se how that goes. I saw some cool stuff, like sharks, sting rays and giant clams, but I didn't have my camera on that dive, so I have no proof....

As for Nemo, well, he's a bloody jerk. He's all over this country (like a fat kid on a smartie)... like, thats all anyone here can talk about. And yet, he refuses to come out of his home. Celebrity has gone to his head, if you ask me. But at least now I understand the drama in that movie. I used to think, "Geez, Marlon, just replace friggin Nemo, there are millions of him in the sea and they're EVERYWHERE!" Boy, was I wrong. It's hard enough to find a Nemo, let one a specific one... oi!

Anyways, that's my little bit of Nemo ranting and insanity for the day... I can tell you more about this when the pictures come back.

See you later!

Steph :)


Blogger Kristelle said...

no nemo...:(...but...oh no! anyways extra hard exam tommorow...going to study...by the way we got 50 inche tv...lol

2:37 PM

Blogger Ash said...

Heyhey Stephy!
So you are now a certified scuba diver eh?! (a little bit of Canada for you! lol!) I'm happy to know, by the way, that I am no longer the one who likes to drink and is the party animal...you seem to be doing a very good job on your own. Now maybe we'll finally go 2 a bar together and I can get a really funny picture of you being drunk so I can put it in my frame. Nif was in the Gazette this week and she got amature athlete of the week. It was kewl...someebody actually mistaked me for her. Which was fun because I got all this attention, however it wasn't for any of my talent what so ever. You're picutre of you suffing is awesome and is currently on my wall. Keep looking for Nemo...I need a pic of that too! Luv you lots and missing you more.


P.S. How is you're hair managing with all that heat and humidity??? Must be very hot looking i'm sure!

"You're the man!" Wait...is that even a saying from the movie? I got nothing really!

P.P.S I have yet to watch an episode of ER. Come home soon..i don't know how much longer I can hold on for. I know you told me to watch it, but honestly...it's just not the same eating lots of pizza and ice cream all alone. (plus I feel groos by myself and that's not fun either!!!!!)

P.P.S.S Pat says hi!!!

11:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Steph!!!
Just to remind you that today, March 8th, is a very special day.....ASS GRABBING DAY! So I wish you a very good and eventful day with a lot of ass grabbing. I`ll grab Kristelle`s ass and Gab`s on your behalf ;) Oh wait...AGD was yesterday for you because today is like tomorrow.....oh my :s
Anyway, this is getting way too complicated so
Love ya and miss ya!

10:11 AM

Blogger Ray said...

ok, so I just found out that Sidney Crosby is a Habs fan, and wants to play for Montreal. You know what this means. kidnappings commence in 3... 2... 1... WHOOT WHOOT!!!

10:12 AM


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